Monday 26 March 2007

There is a light

Hotel lights, originally uploaded by daikitora.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it is not a bright white light as one would have expected after watching all these American films where heaven is a bright white place and hell is a raging flames place, full of rocks and melting lava..

This light, waiting, is fiery, is warm, is rabid, is pure rage and raw power.. and is waiting for me to wield it, to cover me and make me of its own, to give me the strength again, to make me feel again that I can make the stones float around me, and that I know how to do it..

This light is waiting for me, and I know, over all sad and crappy thoughts, that is going to get me. And then will be heaven for me, and hell for the ones opposing me...

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